@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
Dear [ {{ Auth::user()->name }} ], logged in as [ {{ $userRole->role }} ] from [ {{ $institution->institution_name }} ]

+ Welcome to the SRC Compliance Management System.

In this regard, the commission carries out self evaluation surveys and questionnaires among its stakeholders periodically.

@if($user->user_role_id == 2) @if(count($answers) == 0)

Kindly fill in all the required data to the best of best of your knowledge and cross check before submission.

Thank you!


@else @if($answers->first()->answered_by == $user->user_id && $answers->first()->returned_for_review == 1)

Your reviewer has returned the questionnaire to you with the suggestions below:

@if($answers->first()->review_comments != null) @else No Comments. Please liaise with your reviewer for clarifications. Thank you. @endif @endif @endif @elseif($user->user_role_id == 3) @if($answers != null)

A questionnaire has been submitted by your clerk for your review and submission to the commission. Please review and guide your clerk for any correction before submitting to the commission.

Thank you!



No questionnaire is pending review. You can liaise with your clerk to ensure that no questionnaire from the commission is pending for action by your institution.

Thank you.


@endif @endif